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Hot water uses a lot of energy... Rinsing dishes right after eating rarely require to use hot water. Cold tap water will work just fine and makes mother Earth happy!
We understand that this is not possible for everything and everybody. But even if you live in an apartment, its often very easy to to craft a line near a window for small stuff or one big sweater that takes forever in the dryer. Doing those small gestures regularly can improve your electricity bill as much as your foot print.
Unless you don’t wash properly, when you come out of the shower, you are usually clean... So your towel must be too after you dry up. Make sure to hang it right after to avoid odours and you can easily reuse it a couple of times.
You can buy metal straws for a couple of box in a lot of places (yes, Amazon too...). I bought a set and we love it! They often come with a little pooch or you can craft one. Those a reusable indefinitely and takes very little place. Having one with you at all time will allow you to say no to those plastic straws. See Turtle (and many more) will thank you!
This is way more handy than you think! Loose a button on your shirt? The suture on that dress is broken in a couple of places? Replace that first reflex to throw that away by the one to repair and, why not, get crafty. A cute patch will absolutely save any piece of clothing with a hole
The amount of food that we throw away every year is heart crushing. Left over are, to my opinion, a lot tastier than the original meal and you can make mix and match of your favourite dishes. If you absolutely can stand those, find someone in need that will appreciate it. Garbage should be an unthinkable option when it comes to food. Especially in these times of inflation.
If you are the kind of person who stops every morning to the coffee shop on your way to work for this delicious dark liquid courage (yes...I loooove coffee, then you use A LOT of disposable cup in a year. Why not making a goal to take a clean travel cup with your set of keys and use it instead. You just wash it at the end of the day. Rinse and repeat...literally. And many coffee shops will charge you less if you have your own
The pandemic had one effect that everyone tries to ignore. Well...we all got fatter. Or maybe it’s just me but let me think it’s everybody. But no matter the reason, if you have clothes that you don’t wear anymore you can donate or sell it!
For every new item that you buy, one company takes precious resources and energy to replace it on a shelf somewhere. Whether its clothing, jewellery, books, kitchen item, decor, etc. You can find very unique and still very functional ones in a thrift store near you! You’d be amazed at all the cool items you can find there. Go take a look...on your way to donate your old ones!
I know... summers are getting hotter and hotter. But, aren’t there supposed to be? I’m not saying to not use it at all but, let’s all accept to be a little hot in the summer and try not to create apocalyptic winter in our living room. There’s many reason for this. The gas used in those to cool the air is extremely harmful for the environment. Also, the energy cost is very high for an air conditioning. So it cost you almost the same too cool your place off in the summer than to eat it in winter. Think of all those dolla’ dolla’ bills! Speaking of winter... put a sweater and low the temperature a bit. It’s supposed to be chilly and that’s why are allowed to drink hot coco!
A "Best if Used By (or Before)" date is recommended for best flavour or quality. It is not a purchase or safety date. And it’s definitely not a garbage date. If you are unsure, freezing food is a very good option. Here’s link to help you better understanding those dates. I bet that you will find at least a piece of information there that you didn’t know!
This is particularly easy and fun to do. Herds grow like crazy and need very little effort. Also, you will always have fresh seasoning for your culinary creations. All you need is a small pot and a window. If you are really brave, salad, celery and many other things can grow indefinitely in a pot of water! Here’s a link to help y
A little less fun than growing your own herbs, especially if you love the back massage of a hot strong shower. But the amount of water, energy and money you’ll save is quite rewarding. You’ll pay that new eco-frienldy shower head a couple of time per year, trust me.
Glass jar are useful for so many things! There’s no limit on what you can store in those. Margarine and cream cheese plastic container are also very handy. They’re usually more tightly hermetic than any Rubbermaid you’ll buy. Perfect to pack lunch or freeze spaghetti sauce without worrying about staining the container.
I don’t know about you but...I love meat! I couldn’t go vegetarian without seriously messing with my happiness. So I aim for the next best thing. If you can go more than twice a week, even better! All I’m saying is do your best to reduce your meat consumption but be kind with yourself.
Embrace your naturally waved or wild hair! I get it, sometimes you need to help them a little bit with the blow-dryer but don’t make it a requirement to get out of the house. Make some test! Braiding them before bed, for example, can give you a nice style in the morning.
And can’t stress more about this one... Those disposable plastic bottles are becoming a big problem worldwide... There’s so many of them in dumping grounds that I’m starting to think that they make babies now. Go buy a nice cool reusable one and fill it! There’s nothing more easy to clean than a bottle of water so, come on, don’t be overly la
They’re about the same price as the others and last WAY longer. There’s actually nothing more to say.
This one is becoming pretty standard everywhere. Many cities have banned plastic bags and it’s a good thing. I admit to be that person who constantly forget her reusable bags in the trunk. But don’t go for the plastic bag right away. Punish yourself! Roll in the parking lot with your cart full of grocery and put it in those forgotten bags under the hot sun. Or take the bus home with cheese, milk and tomatoes in your pockets while carrying those cookies and cereal boxes. That’ll show you! Jokes aside, if plastic bags are still a thing in your area, try to avoid those as much as you can. Wherever they end up in recycling or dumping ground, they are very light so the wind caught in it, carrying them in the nearest lake, river or oce
Oh no... you nicked the washing machine or the toaster? God forbid you have to live with this horrible sight everyday right...If you recognized yourself, yeah... I’m making fun of you. Seriously who cares?? Don’t go buy a new one for the love of God! You stain a shirt? We talked about patches right? Use it as a pyjama, to work on your car, can even cut it in pieces to make cloth. Learn to live with the imperfections of the world.
Cars are bad! In every possible way. But they are a necessity in certain case. I understand that of course. BUT NOT TO GO TO THE PHARMACY RIGHT ON THE CORNER!! And let’s be honest, traffic is the worst! Sometimes we are just afraid to change but there’s a lot of good options out there. In the summer, biking or even an electric scooter can be fun! If you have a long ride to work because of the traffic, take that time to read in the bus instead. Try it once a week for a month at least. That could be a game chang
Read about the impact of what you buy or what you do. Search for ways to do better in your area that can fit your lifestyle. Calculate your personal impact with a Footprint Calculator. At the end, do your best and not your least.
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